Saturday, February 16, 2008

Let Me Be "Blunt"

Let Me Be "Blunt"

My boss loves to smoke those huge Blunts (he prefers the Grape ones). Every time he opens one of the plastic containers, he looks at me and says "There has to be something you can do with these containers". I took that as a challenge!

In honor of the great amount of snow we have received here in the Mid-West, I came up with this great project.

I call this "Three Happy Snowmen". The snow men were made from the plastic containers that the Blunt Cigars come in, the feet, under the bottom, is the caps off the containers. The hats and scarves are made from scrap material.

The only thing you have to remember is that the containers are plastic, it's very hard to paint plastic. Heres what I did...

I lightly sanded the container, to allow it to accept the paint, then I used primer to coat the whole thing, including the caps. It will take several coats of primer before the whole thing is coated. Paint it any way you like from this point.

If you make one, I would like to see it, please leave a comment with a link to your project.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Puzzled Eagle

Puzzled Eagle

Have you ever spent hours or even days putting that great puzzle together only to take it apart again because you have no where to put it? Well, Don't! Puzzles make great pictures, they just need a little bit of tweaking. This puzzle looks great with the custom frame my husband made from recycled wood. It was really simple, he just traced around the outline of the completed puzzle to make the pattern, it looks great don't you think? Give it a try, you really have nothing to lose.