Thursday, February 28, 2008

New Egg Hunt

New Egg Hunt
One year, my children and I were Easter-Egg hunting. We have to hunt eggs in our home, because usually around Easter time, it's still too cold to be doing it outside. This particular year, my husband spread the eggs throughout the house, and the kids happily began searching. About a week later, I began smelling something that wasn't quite right, after searching the house, I found a long lost Easter egg.
I thought about this situation for awhile and decided that using real eggs can be a messy situation. Since then, we fill different color plastic eggs with all kinds of treats, and three with something special in them (One for each kid). We use three color eggs, one color for each kid, and hide them according to age.
For example: My youngest son, Charlie, is too small to reach the high places, like the top of a shelf or hutch, but he can find things that are closer to his size, so all his color go low.
My oldest son Devynn, is taller than I am, so skies the limit where his eggs are hidden.
This solution works for a few different reasons, one; there are no rotten eggs laying in wait, two; there are no arguements about who got more, and three; I can make sure that each special treat I bought or made will go to the right child.

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