Monday, February 25, 2008

Egg-ceptional Candle

Egg-ceptional Candle

Since we're right on the heels of Easter, I thought it would be a good idea to come up with a great project in honor of the holiday.
This candle is really easy, all you need is an empty egg shell and some candle wax and wick.
Carefully make a small hole in the top of the egg, empty all the yolk and egg white, don't forget to dip the empty shell into boiling water to remove all the residue.
Carefully begin picking the shell pieces off the egg, until you have an opening on the top big enough to add the wax.
Once it dries, you can give it as a gift, or just light it and enjoy it yourself.
This project not only recycles, but it would make a great family project (kids, let your parents handle the wax! It's very hot)

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