Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Egg Shell Mosiac

Egg Shell Mosiac
Every year at Easter time, My family cooks and colors atleast three dozen eggs. We spend alot of time to color the shells perfectly, only to crack the eggs and throw away all those pretty shells. I have tried to find a way to do something with those shell pieces.
Here's an idea that fun and easy, why not make a mosiac picture from the broken shells? Think about it, you don't even have to color or break them. Just use glue to attach them to the paper (or whatever you decide to create on). When all the work is done, don't forget to seal the picture so it will be preserved. This project isn't necessarily a quick one, but it is easy and children can do it without much supervision from their parents. Best of all, you could be starting a new Easter tradition, and family's need traditions.

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