Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Painted Saw

Painted Saw
Yardsale Lovers Listen up! Here is a project that's perfect for one of the little treasures you can find at a yardsale. My husband loves tools! What man doesn't? For this reason, I have 1 1/2 buildings on my property that are full of tools, all kinds of tools. Yet, when we go yardsaleing he is always ready to buy more.
One thing my husband likes to buy are old hand saws, maybe he likes the history. The problem is that we have too many saws now.
One thing you can do to turn that old saw into something new, is to paint the saw. I don't mean paint it brown, or blue, I mean paint a landscape on it, or paint an abstract painting, paint a self portrait. I opted for the landscape, mainly because I can't draw and trees are really easy to paint. Since saws are medal, you need to make sure it's not rusted and don't forget to prime the blade before you paint.
Now I love the saws as much as he does, and what a great gift!

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