Monday, March 31, 2008

Recycled Paper Globe

Recycled Paper Globe
Have you ever received a gift that came in a really cute bag? I have. One day my Sister-In-Law gave me a gift that was in a great purple bag. I loved the gift, but I really liked the bag too. (Maybe that makes me weird). I couldn't bring myself to throw away the bag. I had to come up with an idea, something I could do with it, so it looked good, and not like a piece of garbage.
I decided to turn it into a globe. I just tore the bag into small pieces of paper and basically glued it onto a styrofoam ball. Once the ball was completely covered, I sprayed it with clear spray to protect it. This globe has been sitting in my livingroom for a couple of years now. You would be surprised how many comments I get about it. Plus it's recycled.

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