Monday, March 3, 2008

Clay Ideas

Clay Ideas
Sometimes I like to work with clay. If you like to craft and use clay, then you know how much the suppilies cost. I personally am not an artist (meaning that I cant draw or sculpt), but I can make just about anything I want with clay. The secret is to use something you already have as a mold.
For example: I have a passion for carousel horses, and one day I wanted to make a carousel charm for a bracelet I've been working on. I cannot make a horse, much less a carousel horse, however, I do have a small music box with carousel horses on it. All I did was take a small round piece of clay and molded the horse. After the mold is hardened, the I used it to make the charms that I needed. This technique works great, But you may have to try it a couple of times to get just the right look you're after. The clay is moldable until you bake it, so keep trying till you get it just right.
Once you have your mold, you can make as many charms as you want.
*if you use some scrap clay to make the mold, then you won't have to waste your good clay. Try it, it's fun!!

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